The "assignements sky" is clearing up a little, the finance exam is approaching though...Other than that, I called my grand-parents today, they sounded happy and healthy which is always good news. I'm looking forward to seeing them for Christmas. My grand'ma will probably have prepared one of these amazing dinners that only she has the secret of. She is an artist. She is to Cooking what Einstein is to Nuclear Science (and yes cooking is an art). I'm also looking forward to hanging out with my good buddy Fred. We went to high school together, it just seems like it was yesterday. Fred is a great guy. I'm always amazed by how he gets informed of the latest technological trends on about everything. You wonder about this or that electronic stuff... ask Fred he will definitely know something about it. I like visiting him and his family too, they are great people and you always feel welcome at their house. Fred is coming to MI for my graduation so we'll have a biiiig party. Fred je suis bien fier que tu sois mon ami. A+
Come stai bambino ?
'Giorno da Parigi per il mio carissimo amico Cedric
Mr Cedric, est ce que je dois comprendre que tu seras français pour Noel ? would be great
Stéphane B
and you know you'll always be welcomed in my house like other people of my near family my brother!!!!! you'll always gonna be part of it 'cause WE ARE FAMILY
Buona Serra amico mio. Oui je viens en France, je vais te voir et on se fait une bonne bouffe ! Deal ?
Thanks Fred ! I appreciate
Steph ! Did you see how great you look dans le metro ?
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