Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tot en met die negentiende eeu het Afrikaans slegs as spreektaal bestaan, en Nederlands het as die formele en geskrewe taal gedien. Nederlands was veral die taal van die skool en die kerk, en lidmaatskap van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk het kennis van Nederlands vereis, aangesien net Nederlandse Bybels beskikbaar was.
Die opkoms van koerante het aan mense 'n kans gegee om die eerste bydraes in Afrikaans te publiseer, terwyl lesers vir die eerste keer blootgestel is aan tekste in hulle eie spreektaal. Hierdie vroeë vorm van die Afrikaanse skryftaal is egter nog sterk in die Nederlandse tradisie en is bowendien slegs deur blankes gebruik.
Vir Kaapse Moslems het Afrikaans naas Arabies al in die 19de eeu as 'n volwaardige taal vir die godsdiens gedien, maar dit is meer om praktiese redes gebruik, veral om die Islamse geloof te bevorder. Die Moslemgemeenskap was ook nie by enige formele taalbeweging betrokke nie.
In die 19de eeu doen die blanke Kaapse bevolking steeds baie moeite om Nederlands aan te leer - Nederlands was immers steeds die medium waarin die meeste boeke en ander publikasies geskryf was, en die Nederlandse taal oefen 'n sterk invloed op die ontwikkelende Afrikaanse woordeskat en spelling uit.
Op 14 Augustus 1875 is die Genootskap van Regte Afrikaanders in die Paarl gestig onder leiding van Ds. S.J. du Toit. Hierdie organisasie het hom van meets aan beywer vir die bevordering van Afrikaans en die strewe daarna om die taal stelselmatig uit te bou, onder meer deur middel van 'n Bybelvertaling - 'n taak wat destyds nog nie uitgevoer kon word nie, maar as uiters belangrik vir die ontwikkeling van Afrikaans beskou is.
In ooreenstemming met Wet 8 van 1925, het Afrikaans 'n amptelike taal geword tesame met Engels, en Nederlands as amptelike taal vervang. Die eerste volledige vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans is voltooi teen 1933.
Met sy nuwe funksie as amptelike taal het die woordeskat van Afrikaans in die 20ste eeu grootskaals uitgebrei, en intussen het meer as 200 Afrikaanse vakwoordeboeke verskyn. Om die taal, wat oorspronklik 'n eenvoudige kommunikasiemiddel en omgangstaal was, te kon uitbou as 'n medium vir die onderwys, administrasie, literatuur, kunste en wetenskappe, is dikwels na Nederlandse terme teruggegryp om nuwe woorde te vorm. Die verskillende Afrikanse vaktale het intussen ook die internasionale woordeskat, wat op hulle gebiede gebruiklik is, oorgeneem.
Ná 1948 is die besiging van die taal begin gelykstel aan Afrikanernasionalisme en het dit 'n belangrike rol gespeel in die wit minderheidsregering tydens die apartheidsjare. Toe 'n nuwe grondwet in 1996 daargestel is, is Afrikaans behou as een van elf ander amptelike tale in Suid Afrika.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Last night I ran into one of my old friends: Schoppenhauer. An old friend because for a long time I had a hard time trying to fully grasp the extent of S's phiosophy. Later on, in my life, I started to understand that what was often perceived as pessisism was more like realism. Quite a shock considering that pragmatism is so often misinterpreted. Yet I always inhabited the other side of the island, the one where optimists and pragmatics live. The underlying reason for this common confusion is I believe, people's own weaknesses. People need to constantly reassure themselves. They need to feel that their choices were right, which often leads to a blindful negation of reality, a self conforting quest for proofs that biases the whole picture. Worse, everything is often sacrificed to the illusion of novelty. While often, this lack of balance initially feels genuine it's just laying the ground for a tougher shock when reality eventually claims its rights back. The conclusion is probably enhancing the strength of pragmatism and moderation. And also as David just said...feel the right thing, don't lie to yourself. :)
Merci David !
"Il faut dire que quand j’ai quitté l’Argentine je n’étais pas connu. Après 98, ça a été un nouveau départ au niveau image. C’est là qu’on me parle du choix. La joie d’avoir gagné 98 a été beaucoup plus forte que de porter l’autre maillot. Après il y a eu 2000. Je dois un respect à la France plus grand qu’un autre coéquipier car j’ai été adopté par la France. Je suis fier de donner cette image. Je me suis adapté. Je suis en équipe nationale depuis 98 et plus passe le temps, plus je suis fier d’avoir accepté le maillot bleu." David Trézéguet. www.football365.fr 02/08/07
Monday, February 05, 2007
Cold !
Brrr... It's cold -2 F / -18 C... way too cold for me. When in addition I think about Fred and Chantal who are in Cancun it just feels even colder. I had class all week-end so it just feels like I never had a week-end. Class what fun though, a lot of finance just the way i like it. One of my favorite the put-call parity, it's like a huge lego, you can replicate all the derivatives you want. Isn't that fun ? I think I didn't really recover from my blitz-trip to Europe. More to come on the subject once I know something... looking good though... we'll see. Other than that I heard from Sophie who is really happy about her new job at Zara (told ya !). That's good news.
I watched half the superbowl last night cause I fell asleep on my sofa. It was good to catch up on sleep, now I feel rested and happy :)
I watched half the superbowl last night cause I fell asleep on my sofa. It was good to catch up on sleep, now I feel rested and happy :)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
One more screw-up by Segolene Royal
In addition to her continual contradictions, she makes mistake after mistake on international policy affairs. This is a real concern and I don't even want to imagine what would happen if she was elected. Imagine an over-reaction in a crisis situation ? ... Real scary
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Nicolas Sarkozy is our hope to make France a key actor of our new century, a promoter of peace and economic development. Nicolas Sarkozy is honest, he loves his country, embraces its diversity, he is modern, he respects our friends and allies like the United States which is a great nation. France needs you, Nicolas Sarkozy needs you. IN APRIL VOTE FOR NICOLAS SARKOZY.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Snow & the Auto Show
It's a little weird here... everytime it starts sometimes it never last, it's like the snow is undecided, unsure to be willing to stay in Michigan. I guess snow fun is rather in Colorado this year. Keep it there Melissa :)
I spent most of the day in organization management seminar today and I'm glad it's over. We have solved absolutely nothing and are back to stage one. Tomorrow I'll go to the AutoShow for the preview. I'm pretty excited about it, it seems like the Big 3 (which are no longer 3) have finally realized that design matters, and that a Crown Victoria is not a good looking car for most people unless you're over 60 and live in Florida. Add to that quality issues and you have the formula for market death. Ford has now used almost all its PPE as collateral to renew their LT debt. If it fails guess what happens.... Straight to Chapter 11.
I hope not. I have good friends at Ford who try real hard to make a difference and they deserve a bit of support.
Good Luck and Good Night.
I spent most of the day in organization management seminar today and I'm glad it's over. We have solved absolutely nothing and are back to stage one. Tomorrow I'll go to the AutoShow for the preview. I'm pretty excited about it, it seems like the Big 3 (which are no longer 3) have finally realized that design matters, and that a Crown Victoria is not a good looking car for most people unless you're over 60 and live in Florida. Add to that quality issues and you have the formula for market death. Ford has now used almost all its PPE as collateral to renew their LT debt. If it fails guess what happens.... Straight to Chapter 11.
I hope not. I have good friends at Ford who try real hard to make a difference and they deserve a bit of support.
Good Luck and Good Night.
Monday, January 08, 2007
My cousin Frank
I talked to Frank today on the phone. That was really cool. He is like a big brother to me. Since I left home I don't get to see him much. I miss him. Of course we get to talk on the phone but it's not the same. He went to Morroco for a wek and had a great time, life is apparently pretty cool there and pretty cheap too. He is thinking about coming over for graduation...he wants to meet Bill Clinton... well ...good luck buddy !
On a more interesting note he is thinking about getting married with a girl he met last year, Marina. It's going really well between them apparently. That's great news ! I haven't been to a wedding for quite a while and that would be cool to get the family together for the event. It's going to take quite a bit of planning and logistics though to fly everybody from all around the world. More about it later....
On a more interesting note he is thinking about getting married with a girl he met last year, Marina. It's going really well between them apparently. That's great news ! I haven't been to a wedding for quite a while and that would be cool to get the family together for the event. It's going to take quite a bit of planning and logistics though to fly everybody from all around the world. More about it later....
After much debate with myself I had decided to wear an OSU jersey for the NFC and burn it right after. The way it goes, and OSU showing who they really are, I won't even have to do that, so I'm going to bed, that'll be a better use of my time.
I thought I'd take a break tonight after 3 full days of class. Being with my friends in AA was great but getting back to work right away on Monday wasn't at all... The good thing is that it still hasn't snowed so at least we don't have to deal with that. On Friday night Brian, Aaron, Jim and I went out to the FC. That was pretty good except that we had to wait like an hour to get a table.
I can't believe that we're graduating in 3.5 months, I can't wait but at the same time I feel kind of sad that it's almost over. So I'm going to have to start thinking what I want to do next and where I want to be. There's a lot of options but I'm still undecided. After so many years traveling the world, actually since I was a kid, I feel ready to settle...sure ? well...
I'll have to think about it again :)
I thought I'd take a break tonight after 3 full days of class. Being with my friends in AA was great but getting back to work right away on Monday wasn't at all... The good thing is that it still hasn't snowed so at least we don't have to deal with that. On Friday night Brian, Aaron, Jim and I went out to the FC. That was pretty good except that we had to wait like an hour to get a table.
I can't believe that we're graduating in 3.5 months, I can't wait but at the same time I feel kind of sad that it's almost over. So I'm going to have to start thinking what I want to do next and where I want to be. There's a lot of options but I'm still undecided. After so many years traveling the world, actually since I was a kid, I feel ready to settle...sure ? well...
I'll have to think about it again :)
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